How To Promote Your Music Video In 2021
Music video promotion does not work if you're listening to those failed musician gurus on youtube who are teaching you outdated beginner tactics that they themselves have never found success with the biggest names in the music industry are already using what i call magnetic music marketing but they don't want you to know their secret sauce because they're afraid that you would then become their competition what's going on guys i'm adam ivey and over the past few years i've built the fastest growing and most trusted music marketing and business channel on youtube with over 150 000 new subscribers in less than 18 months and over 11 million views spread across less than 300 videos which i'm pretty proud of now i work hand in hand with independent recording artists producers singer songwriters and bands with building their music-based brand and businesses so that they can be heard find adoring fans and get paid from doing what they love to do most music now i don't have to tell you that the market is saturated with music creators pushing their music like it's 2015 with the same old played out strategies and techniques that give a mediocre results at best the issue is that the platforms and the audiences have been flooded with those outdated advanced techniques for so long now that it's become the new normal see the industry algorithm as we'll call it is rapidly evolving and that's why traditional music marketing doesn't work anymore
I was blind to this concept myself when i first started thinking just having high quality music was going to be enough to make it as a producer as an artist and somehow it's going to bring me all the success and long-term growth which over the years i've realized that most of us buy into that lie at first all i got to say is that ignorance is certainly bliss until you need to see results now let me ask you something and i hope this doesn't offend you so i apologize in advance if it kind of tweaks you the wrong way but have you ever felt that the music industry is already oversaturated and that there's no freaking way that you're ever going to be able to gain enough traction to do it as a career do you spend hours locked away making music and then feel guilty that your time is focused on creating but that's damaging your relationships with friends and family have you ever obsessed on a project that you were so excited about and then felt completely deflated when you put it out there and quickly realized that all that work was for nothing because nobody was listening are you exhausted from sharing your dreams with people who doubt you or better yet tell you to be realistic my favorite word i bring those things up because i've dealt with those over the years myself but with magnetic music marketing you're going to be heard build an adoring fan base and get paid doing what you love to do with music now it sounds simple enough right but how do we do this all right so magnetic music marketing is a modernized marketing framework that i developed which will quickly transform you into a magnetic brand as i've spoken about in plenty of other videos but let me break it down a little bit more so it makes more sense but before i do that i want to share a quick little story with you so like 10 years ago my life changed when i had a super vivid moment of clarity while staring at my phone right before bed like a lot of us do i realized that all the social media and online stuff
I am talking about the videos and the photos articles and even ads that we see on every website and social app were being shown to us on purpose and weren't just some random guesses it hit me like that like so many others we'd been chasing the traffic chasing people online but instead of chasing if i could just step in front of the traffic that was already there that the people would discover my content in the same way that i was discovering theirs which i could then build an inbound marketing ecosystem around this is when i began working on my magnetic music marketing framework which for side note i call it the m3 framework if i ever refer it to it as that this is the framework that pulls the attention into you magnetic that makes sense so let's talk about how you can get results fast with magnetic music marketing and exactly how you can get started right now now this is going to be a multi-part video series because i want to teach you a few different strategies and tactics that you'll be able to put together and really level up quickly for free so grab something to write with and take notes because i'm about to show you something that you've never seen before now magnetic music marketing starts with you and is the creators becoming a magnetic brand and to do this as quickly as possible we need to optimize every platform that we're using in order to strengthen what i call the magnetic field right that's how you pull people's attention into the content so that we can be heard rapidly grow an audience and get paid doing what we love to do most music all right magnetic music marketing what is it well obviously as i mentioned earlier magnetic music marketing is when you take all these different intangibles you grab control of them then bring people to you
I'll show you what i'm talking about here so this right here is you and when you have social media you have the websites whether you're on the website whether it's your website whether it's youtube or streaming such as apple music spotify we could be talking blogs obviously podcasts face-to-face interactions are always awesome and email everything should be pointing back to you as a magnetic brand so this goes to you that goes to you this goes to you and so forth and so on obviously if any of these wheels any of these pieces in the system are broken then you're obviously leaving traffic on the table you're leaving a valuable traffic you're leaving valuable momentum you're leaving valuable attention on the table which a lot of you guys happen to kind of stumble and stagger on when it comes to the magnetic music marketing formula now what we need to talk about here is the next step obviously what matters and so does what right obviously traffic matters so many times people are like oh you can become successful without any previous experience with anybody you know going to your social media you don't need social media you don't need this you don't need that you're going to be a millionaire overnight like it doesn't work like this guys and obviously content matters you guys aren't born yesterday you don't need me you don't need youtube for this but the issue is
if you have the traffic and the content what matters next three questions that you need to be able to answer as a marketer regardless of if you're doing this for music regardless if you're doing this maybe you're a fitness influencer makeup influencer so forth maybe you have a tire shop the three main questions here where are you going to market who should care about your product obviously your product being your music your content all of that stuff combined where being the social platforms where being the geological areas where are people hanging out that would like to consume your content who are those people right a lot of times i see people that say oh my music's for everybody it's it's not true i wish it was but it's not true i say it all the time ed sheeran drake barbra streisand all three very different audiences and then you say how adam how do i do this is it content marketing is it email marketing what kind of content what are you putting out into the world what kind of music are you going to be able to get out there and how it's the vehicle in which we're delivering our message now right here are three main questions that i get all the time via dms and emails and like i said i want to go through this as quickly as possible so you guys should be taking notes because i need you guys to be able to answer this stuff and i'm here to help you answer that so what do you any ideas what do you post one of the main questions that i get all the time now what's this what do you what do you say because obviously we could post some videos we could post some memes some photos but what do you say for the context of that what do you say in an email that's going out to five people 500 people 5 000 people but the third one the third one is super important how do you drive engagement how do you drive engagement adam why are nobody liking my post on instagram
why is nobody leaving comments why is nobody sharing my stuff on tick tock why is nobody opening my emails so driving engagement super important the stuff is is all of the above that needs to be answered if you want to have a sustainable career in music or anything for that matter but music is what we're talking about here obviously traffic matters but so does content where to market who to market to how to market that music what do you post what do you say how do you drive engagement so many people are looking for a magic pill that might be why you're on youtube right now looking for that magic pill what does the magic pill look like funnel right all you need is one funnel you're one funnel away from having a huge music career a huge successful business around what you're putting out you know you just need one funnel but where does the traffic come from well adam i could just pay for ads adam i just run people on a facebook ad somebody showed me how to do it on a youtube video okay so you're trying to make money you're trying to get traffic but last time i checked people that are paying for ads aren't just magically getting a bunch of raving fans when's the last time that you saw an ad on instagram or facebook you're like i just absolutely love everything no it's an annoyance ads do work don't get me wrong ads have a place and a time but without the brand without the foundation ads are just spending you trying to push people to spotify you trying to push people maybe to your youtube channel like a video like this but without that brand without that foundation funnel no traffic funnel messaging's not going to hit because you don't know how your audience needs to be talked to the paid ads you're going to be spending xxx only getting x back you need to be able to know your return be able to calculate your return well maybe you have a launch plan maybe you go on youtube
adam this person that they have a whole launch plan on how i can launch a single on spotify for the first time does that really work though because if everybody was following that plan then everybody would be successful right but it doesn't work like that because this is just one element to all of these different magic pills because my issue with all of this is what you need is not being taught what you need is not covered on youtube because what you need is a system not just one puzzle piece i apologize for my horrible drawing skills by the way i'm a marketer and a music producer not an artist you don't just need one puzzle piece but that's what you're searching for and that's the issue here you need a system otherwise you're never going to be able to build a brand you're never going to be able to build a business you're never going to be able to have a sustainable career in anything you do a whole lot of people know how to throw a football doesn't make them an nfl quarterback a whole lot of people mow their lawn doesn't mean that they have a successful lawn care business one puzzle piece is not enough one funnel is not enough having some knowledge in facebook ads everybody has knowledge on facebook ads now target audience send money cost per click conversion pretty straightforward that doesn't drive an organic following we need to be able to build with a system all the different pieces so just like that slide that i showed you a few minutes ago all of these different elements are coming to you magnetic music marketing that's how i've built my brand that's how over a thousand of my students have built theirs in fact let's jump back into the studio now i know that 2020 has been a roller coaster for a lot of us and i'm on a mission to help you guys finish the year strong and move into the new year with more momentum and more progress than ever before with that being said i'm super excited to announce that for those of you who are ready to go all in on your music on monday october 19 2020 i'll once again be opening up enrollment for my cell music master class 2.0 where i'll be taking on a small group of new students and teaching them exactly how to stand out from the crowd be heard find passionate fans and get paid with their music now historically i've only opened up enrollment once per year for the cell music masterclass but a lot of people were afraid to take the leap earlier this year when the panic set in but now as
i read the emails and the dms from the same people regret is overpowering the fear and the time is now to make a change now i'd love to help everyone with magnetic music marketing and that's why i do youtube videos but i find that my students get the best results and my community really thrives when i work in a small group setting personally if you're an alumni you know exactly what i'm talking about but i limit enrollment so i can make sure that everyone gets the help and support that they really need so this is going to be a genuinely rare opportunity and as usual spots are granted on a first come first serve basis so if that's something that you're interested in make sure that you click under this video right now or somewhere on the screen and get your name on the early bird wait list everybody on the early bird wait list is going to have access to the registration link the night before the program launches to the public so make sure that you get your name on that early bird waitlist just click the button fill out a form all you have to do is enter your name and your email address and your spot will be reserved which will give you early access to the program as i just mentioned so with that being said i hope you're as excited about magnetic music marketing as i am and for anybody who has questions just reach out i'll be more than happy to help out as i mentioned already stay tuned for the second video because i'll be showing you exactly how to take magnetic music marketing to the next level so you can experience freedom and fulfillment be heard build a fan base all that good stuff and get paid so i'll see you there
If you want to promote your video through seo you can contact youtube seo expert
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