How To Make Your Videos Rank Better On YouTube? Get Ranking on YouTube with YouTube SEO Expert

One or know how to rank your videos better on YouTube well it's actually pretty simple if you're using the right tools and you're doing things the right way so I'm going to show you a tool and a really simple strategy that you can use to start ranking your videos on youtube and get a lot more traffic, in fact, I use this exact same strategy to get over 1 million views on this YouTube video in less than a year so first thing we got to talk about is figuring out what your keyword phrase is going to be so anytime you're going to try to make a YouTube video before you ever make that youtube video this is really important make sure you figure out what that phrase is don't figure out after you film the video because then it might not be a one-to-one match of what the video is actually about and then the phrase that you're trying to rank for and the reason that's so important will circle back to in a little bit but the thing you want to look at when you're trying to figure out that keyword phrase is what is the search volume on that terms so you can figure this out using a tool

 I'll link to you in the the description down below called to a buddy and basically, with that, you can pop in a the term in there just like you would search on YouTube and it'll basically tell you you know if it's getting a lot of search volume every month or if it's not and ideally you know if you could you'd want to rank for a video that's getting a lot of search volume but that's not always necessarily an ideal scenario especially if it of a smaller channel and you're newer to YouTube and your videos maybe aren't as good of quality as like a bigger channel that's you know been doing YouTube for a long time has a big subscriber base they have a much better chance of ranking for those super competitive highly searched terms so what you want to do is find something with a lot of search volume but also ideally, a lower competition unless maybe you do have a bigger channel then you could probably throw that part of the advice, oh and maybe you'll get lucky and you'll find something that has a lot of search volume and just for whatever reason no one's tapped into that niche and that term would maybe have a little the competition then hey go for that but what to buddy will do is tell you specifically hey this search term has a lot of volumes and low competition and basically, 

it'll spit out a score for you out of a hundred telling you if it's a a good term to try to rank for so if you find something that ranks a hundred then yeah make a video about that it has a P so you'll probably find that you know expanding the number of words in the keyword phrase that you're trying to rank for will give you a better chance of ranking for it if you just try to do something like how to draw that's going to be really hard to rank for but if you try to rank for maybe how to draw unicorns on fire then yeah that's a the search term that there's probably not a lot of people making videos for so there's a probably lower competition I couldn't tell you what the search volume on that is but there's a better chance that you would have lower competition and if it does have a decent amount of volume then you would have a really good keyword in your hands that you should make a video about ASAP that's step one step two is to make a video about that specifically what it's about but keeping some specific things in mind first of all when you make that video don't just put it on YouTube and hope that the search algorithm picks it up and

 you're going to get a lot of views like maybe you will but if you've got a brand new channel you gotta send some people to that video but don't just send any people to the video send people to the video that are going to be interested in that topic so if people aren't interested in how to draw unicorns on fire then don't send those people that video find people that do want to draw unicorns on fire and send them that video so you can find these people may be in groups on Facebook or on Reddit or you maybe you have an email list right there's a lot of different areas online that you can find that you can send people to that video but again it's really important that they are interested in what that video is above because the next big thing you want to make sure that video is that you get a high click-through rate and high audience retention so the click-through rate is determined by if people see your thumbnail on YouTube and they have a chance to click it that's considered an impression every time someone clicks it that's considered a click so if a hundred people see at 100 impressions and one person clicks that's 1% click-through rate one divided by a hundred the higher

 your click-through rate the better of a chance you have of getting that video to rain so on top of getting that keyword phrase in your the title you also want to make sure that title is enticing so how to draw unicorns on fire already is someone enticing so you're probably good to go on that but let's say you're just you know making a video on how to change a flat tire that's not super enticing right what if we did something like this how-to change a flat tire dad in five minutes or less that's a little more enticing because now you're like okay cool like no one wants to deal with a flat tire for a really long time if you can get it changed in five minutes or less I'm all about that, I want to watch that video so you know you got the keyword the phrase in there and you've got the enticing element to bring them all together and that's going to increase your chances of getting the click on top of that you want to make sure your thumbnail is clear vivid simple it shows probably a flat tire or a unicorn on fire right so people can really get an understanding of what the video is about really quickly, in fact, I will go one step further with that unicorn on fire picture and maybe add a little pencil in the picture right in the thumbnail so then people know okay this is about drawing unicorns on fire and then if you have to maybe add a little bit of text to give some context so like the flat tire one and the thumbnail maybe

 I'd put five minutes and a little clock right to really get people in the understanding of what the video search engine optimization is about because they're usually going to notice the thumbnail first before they see the title and then besides that get some colors in that don't know they're going to pop now at the end of this video I'm going to have you some more keys that really help you come up with enticing thumbnails and titles and the next thing that's really important for showing up in the search algorithm and that is watch time so remember those impressions we talked about before when people see your thumbnail in the feed and they have a chance to Click it that's an impression right well based on impressions YouTube's going to show the video at the top of the search results that they think has the chance to get the most watch time now click-through rate is important because if they don't click your video you don't get any watch time but if they click your video and they watch it for like five seconds that's not a good signal to YouTube

 that says okay this video isn't about what we think it's about or that it's just not a very good video so we're going to stop showing this to people so what you want to make sure is that when people click your video they stay to the end and watch as much of the video as possible now you're not going to get everyone to stay - yeah but that should be your goal is to try to get everyone to stay to the end so make the content good enticing simple cut out the fluff make sure you get right to the point but there's another element at play here and that is watch time right because like I said YouTube's going to look at all these videos that they could show at the top of the search results and they're going to say based on the impression how much watch time do we think they're going to get so if your video is just like one minute long and yeah sure it cuts off the fluff and gets to the point length really quick that might be a good thing but if there's a video that's 5 minutes and people are watching 3 minutes only that video is probably going to rank higher 

because it's getting more watch time YouTube wants to keep people on their platform for longer so one thing you can do is make your video a little bit longer think of some relevant information that would be helpful some examples maybe some extra little tips and put those in your video so that way you're not just giving people fluff you're giving them extra elements that will actually help them and they'll want to continue to watch all the way to the end because you're just packing a punch every a single step of the way and giving better and better information to get that watch time up and to get that click-through rate up there's some really important tactics and one overarching strategy you have to have in place which I cover in this YouTube video make sure you watch that video that'll help you a ton with making better videos that get a higher click-through rate higher watch time and will also help you boost your video search rankings subscribe and click the Baloch on if you found this video helpful and I'll see you in that video next
