5 Best Steps to Dominate YouTube Video SEO

In this article, we discuss YouTube SEO and video optimization and how to optimize your YouTube videos and your YouTube channel. You can expect to get a lot of traffic from YouTube and Google are you optimizing properly and what I want to do in this video is shown my 5 steps to you, whenever I make a video Enables me to get a lot more views, share and "go viral" and get a lot of traffic back to my website.

Now the first step is the keyword. Now, there is a lot of software to help and you can then target which keywords you want to target. Keywords that are relevant and profitable. So, work out what your keywords are that are going to help you target those people who are going to help you get a ton of traffic. The point here is to take a keyword that has low competition and high search volume. This is really important because it is going to help you on the first page of Google and the first page of YouTube.

The second phase is about creating really high-quality content. So, are you making your videos think about your best and most valuable suggestions that you can give to people because you are more likely to be shared then? The video is more likely to go viral as people share the video and as a result, if you can share some awesome tips on what they are discussing, people will share it with the people they know and as a result, you get a lot of traffic Starts meeting well. So, this is another great tip to make sure the quality of the material is always top-notch.

Next, make sure that you are always building your community. The more sponsors and friends you have on YouTube, the better your YouTube channel will be. YouTube and Google are really looking for this and when your YouTube channel page rank goes up, all your video rankings will also increase. This means that you can only create a subsequent video, optimize it for keywords only, and you will immediately get to the top of YouTube directly because YouTube will get you to trust for high-quality content and that's it they are searching. YouTube is not necessarily looking for someone's content longevity, they are looking for fresh content. And this is what is useful for you and me when we make a video we can expect to be on the first page of Google and YouTube (see proof), especially when we targeted the keywords correctly. This is important to always make sure that you are building your community.

Next to the backlink. Now, we are talking about "follow links" and this is where we get other websites to embed our videos or talk about you and create content that makes our ' Stuff returns to '. If you can get the anchor text (the words within the copy that are the active link to our information), then to be our keywords and link back to your video something that people rarely do, If you can get those links back to your channel or video, which is going to be helpful for your channel page rank and again your videos on both Google's first page and YouTube's first page will be on the search page rankings rate. Really clever, powerful and a little sneaky. So, make sure you implement that strategy.

Last stage: Download video A lot of people think, "Well if I load all the videos on day 1 and upload them all on day 1 that would be great!" This is not a good strategy. Instead of what you want to do, it leaks over time instead of releasing your videos one day, just make sure you release one video one day and another video the other day and keep it regular. The reason for this is because YouTube sees you as a channel. Your audience is real people and people don't want to load all the content in 1 day you want to trick it out regularly because this is what is going to be a lot more enjoyable and more is. More attractive to your audience.

So, here are 5 strategies: make sure you've sorted your keywords, make sure you're creating quality content, make sure you're consistently building your community, getting backlinks, and regular content. Are removing these are 5 tips that are useful for you if you want to make videos that go directly to the top of YouTube and Google. This will help you get a lot of views, get a lot of traffic and become a lot more successful as a result.

I hope you have enjoyed this video and if you want to get more tips and videos like these, then visit my website and you can get your hands-on loads of strategies to maximize your video marketing strategies will be able to.


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