
Showing posts from November, 2019

Get More YouTube Views in 2020 with Easy Steps

There are millions of channels on YouTube and the platform also has a large viewership. Therefore, making a YouTube video and posting it on the channel forces you to get some views. The reason is that you are not doing the right things which are important to get more views on YouTube. To get more views on YouTube you need to follow some tips. Be sure to follow these so that you have the best results. To get more views on YouTube you need to follow some tips. Be sure to follow these so that you have the best results. 1. Create Amazing Content: It doesn't matter if the post you're using isn't enough for you. This is one of the most important things to ensure. You need to post some amazing content and it will get you more and more views to be sure. Really how to 'videos are the ones that do well. Also, make sure you know what your audience wants to see and then make some videos. 2. Encourage people to subscribe: You may have heard people say that ol...

How can I see who viewed my video on YouTube?

Do you know that YouTube provides video creators with a wealth of information in its Analytics section? You cannot find out the specific names of people who have watched your videos, but you can get much useful demographic information beyond just visual counts. Built-in analytics provides holistic information about your audience that is similar to Google Analytics. Use up-to-date metrics to monitor the performance of your channel and video. How to Find YouTube Analytics for Your Channel To find analytics for all videos in your channel: (A) Log into YouTube and choose your profile photo or icon at the top of the screen. (b) Select YouTube Studio (beta) in the drop-down menu. (c) Select Analytics in the left panel, which includes Reach, Engagement, and Audience, to access the list of different types of data related to your video viewers. Information about your audience can be viewed through several analytical filters, including:- Types of Analytical Data ...

Learn: The Importance of YouTube SEO

Video traffic is one of the best ways to drive web traffic and YouTube video ranking , build an online community, and ultimately sell your company's products or services. As YouTube is the most popular video website on the Internet, it is the best place to publish videos, whatever the area of ​​your company.  YouTube is the second largest search engine on the web which means it is more popular than searches like Yahoo and Bing. The value of YouTube videos and SEO is increasing steadily. Without optimizing the content, videos are unlikely to be seen by your target audience to their full potential. While optimizing YouTube videos is based around the same principles as other web content, the technique varies slightly. A special strategy is necessary for YouTube video SEO because videos operate differently from other web content. The adaptation is based around three themes of content, linking and architecture. There is usually less freedom in architecture as YouTube det...

How to make a YouTube Channel: Step-by-Step Guide

Hello and welcome, obviously we don't normally have guests here but Caleb is getting ready to start his YouTube channel for the first time and so I thought that we would show you guys what goes into the process because not every day I have to start YouTube channels and so this gives us a really hands-on look at exactly what buttons you have to click in order to get your channel started so let's get started by clicking that sign in button Caleb has created a gmail account that he's going to use to create his YouTube channel so that it can all be set up fresh from the start okay so now Caleb is signed into his YouTube account okay so now all Caleb's going to do is click on the icon that's up in the upper right hand corner where his profile picture would be if he had a profile picture and now he just needs to click on YouTube studio data there the third item down on that list he's just going to click on create channel if that's the name he wants to use n...

How To Make Your Videos Rank Better On YouTube? Get Ranking on YouTube with YouTube SEO Expert

One or know how to rank your videos better on YouTube well it's actually pretty simple if you're using the right tools and you're doing things the right way so I'm going to show you a tool and a really simple strategy that you can use to start ranking your videos on youtube and get a lot more traffic, in fact, I use this exact same strategy to get over 1 million views on this YouTube video in less than a year so first thing we got to talk about is figuring out what your keyword phrase is going to be so anytime you're going to try to make a YouTube video before you ever make that youtube video this is really important make sure you figure out what that phrase is don't figure out after you film the video because then it might not be a one-to-one match of what the video is actually about and then the phrase that you're trying to rank for and the reason that's so important will circle back to in a little bit but the thing you want to look at when you...