How to get ranking on your videos
if you want to learn how to rank YouTube videos fast in 2020
make sure you watch this video to the end so you don't miss anything important
all right so this is pretty much an overview we're going to be going over in
this video let me going over keyword research video optimization such as title description tags thumbnails how to
get views engagement on your videos my favorite YouTube tool that you can use
completely free that I use for my SEO purposes and if you stay to the end in
this video as a bonus I'm going to be showing you how to make your videos go
viral fast all right so before I get into the overview and you know how exactly
how to rank videos in detail I want to show you all my results from actually
wearing video say I know I know I'm talking about and I just just giving you a
tutorial so for example my channel that you're watching right now I'm inside
the CPA affiliate marketing and make money online niche so I create content
surrounding you know CPA networks really networks running paid traffic and
things like that max money is a CPA network a lot of people I mean a lot of you
I've got watching the video y'all probably a subscriber to my channel so you
already know this is but max bounty is a popular search term inside of my niche
so I considered something like Max bounty 2019 see my videos right there
I probably take away
to 2019 and just surgeon eggs brownie still found my video number one just
don't even count this is an ad but my videos number one can make money you can
do max boney Facebook ads should be ranking yep first two spots three spots I
got I got videos all over for make money you can do next Bonnie tutorial maybe
see still number two with that I can do CPA marketing see if I'm ranking for
that steel scroll down yep still is come on video right there another video
right there right there is doing CP market in 2019 see where I'm at still got
some good spots new CP market in facebook ads do see paid marketing instagram
see if i'm up still number one spot listing clickbank prove I know I got a
video on that won't rank number two Clickbank see it's another video that's a
Clickbank um Clickbank Instagram maybe I think I got a video covering it you
see boom right there third spot like I said again you don't even really count
two ads ok people gotta pay for that let's see um let's do you just go to my
channel and just look at overview ha promote Clickbank products
how to make 100 a day I want to see if I bring him for this
keyword anyway how to make hundred a on YouTube where I'm making any videos but
just posted a video four days ago how to make 100 big day what was it let me go
back on YouTube YouTube without making any videos see nope not ring for that
keyword yet but I will be because now I'm going to get on it I don't you know
if I put the hundred day into what I'm making it okay so our auto search Turner
definitely wanna know you can go to my channel and check out other videos to
see if I'm ringing for it so you do one more I'll - you see I create a landing
page with Clickbank let's see eight a landing page Bank you see the first page
for that and I am like dear but that was just to show you how to actually you
know my tips in this video will help you inside your YouTube channel but now
I want to get into the actual step-by-step tutorial so first
things first is doing keyword research as the heart of YouTube if you don't do
your keyword research you don't know what type of content you want to make or
rank for so for example it's all about picking a niche first so me for instance
I'm into affiliate marketing and cpa marketing and making money online so what
I would do is start out with affiliate more as you can see as I'm typing in
more and more suggestions as popping up that you think was given me and these
are not just random search terms these are search terms that people are
actually typing in so like I say if he was actually interested in looking for
affiliate marketing videos is exactly what they typing in really a marking up
for beginners as you can see anything more suggestions come about these that
now what you want to do is make a file or like a notepad or whatever and
however you take notes make a file of all of these different keywords that you
will create content around so you'll create a video for it fill your marketing
for beginners twenty nineteen twenty nineteen step by step you can probably
include that in the same title filly margin for beginners Amazon step by step
if you wanna take this away start over affiliate Martin without a website 20:19
filly mark on our website for beginners let's go back and delete it again let's
see affiliate marketing and Clickbank 2019 and things like that you want to
make a list of keywords - as you can continue to type in different words YouTube
will give you more suggestions and as a brand new channel whether you got a
small channel no because me only got it's what six one six almost seven
thousand subscribers so
I don't really have
to go after short term I mean longtail keywords anymore longtail keywords is
search phrases that got over like four or five words in it so like this
affiliate marketing went out website has five different words inside the title
so that would be considered longtail keywords you can even add affiliate
marketing with our website with beginners I guess it's one two three four five
six seven this is a longtail keyword these are the type of keywords you want to
go after as a brand new channel so when sa iviews interested in say clickbank
another topic clickbank affiliate marketing for beginners 20:19 that'll be a
search term you want to go after say you was into weight loss would you say
something like how to lose weight fast for teenagers without exercise so I
guess have you into weight loss this is a longtail keyword it's a brand new
challenge this is exactly the type of keywords you wanna go after where is this
search phrases that's five or more where as long and it would be easier it's
ring for those versus going against channels so let me show you up for example
how to lose weight fast if you should try to ring for that as a brand new
channel nine times out of ten
you're not going to rank at all the best you might get is
some related views coming on the related tab on the right side of the view to
you watching a video you know that section of videos that's probably where
you'll get some traffic from if any but this keyword is only even though it's
five the competition is just crazy and if you download this Chrome extension
called vid IQ which I've been using for like the past year to spring free
downloads going to the Chrome Web Store and get it to show you competition
score or search volume and also give you tags that you can use inside your
videos and things like that but what I wanted to do is show you if you want the
ring for how to lose weight fast you're going against a channel with 80,000
subscribers four hundred fifteen thousand views this one got at one point six
million views seventy five thousand subscribers this channel got almost a
million subscribers two million views so the competition is going to get
crazier the shorter the search term is but the longer the search term is it
would be easy to ring for it so
I lose weight fast teenagers without exercise you can even
do 2019 okay still that the main videos but you would normally find my weight
loss is probably one of the most competitive if not the most competitive
industry on YouTube so I say even this would be hard to tackle but let's say
for example they're going back to affiliate marketing affiliate marketing for
you know we can even get specific as a specific network max my max bounty
Facebook Ads you see not even that just do max boney training doesn't make
money see patronize look at the competition this channel two thousand
subscribers six thousand views 20,000 views ten thousand subscribers and of
course you got my youtubevideo ranking and number see one two three four so yeah it was a search
term and this is not even the longtail keyword but I'll still was able to ring
them forward for that and number five for that same keyword but hopefully you
get the gist as a brand new challenge definitely want to write I definitely
recommend you start out going after long term queue errors because it would be
easier to rank for to begin that it's less competition and you will see channels
around your size ranking for those same your search terms and yeah as you build
up your channel maybe you got 30-plus videos you know your subscribers is
growing at a faster rate you've got a few thousand subscribers then you will
want to make content related related towards short term keywords or search
phrases when
I'm making my titles it's normally three main things I stick
to as far as you know making them definitely make sure whatever keyword I'm
trying to ring for I include that first inside my title I also like to
capitalize the first letter in each word just to make it pop even more and add
in the current year before after the title relevancy also makes the the title
just look more enticing or just a video you know I mean just make it look more
enticing and watch and click on things like that so I want to do is show your
example of a video that was able to get ranked using these three simple steps
alright so here's the example that was talking about and inside my title I use
2019 just the keyword I was trying to ring for CPA affiliate marketing Facebook
ads for campaign setup and this is the video right here you can come check it
out yourself this is my most viewed video on my channel if you come over to my
channel and click on sort by most popular you casually see this is this is the
video that went viral on my channel there's my second highest video got 14 K
views this one that first 3,000 views
I made this nine months ago and made a ton of commissions
and course sales offer this one video so like I said Taito will have to add in
they go here for relevancy the keyword I'm trying to rank for CPA affiliate
marketing Facebook ad and just capitalizing the first letter and every word and
that was pretty much I work my title for this and as far as description I
normally go into detail not really indeed see I can just make like a short
summary of what they going to watch inside the video just in case they don't
want to watch it for whatever reason they can just come to description and get
a short summary or what they going to learn and then for my tags all I did was
use they did I keep chrome extension to a video that was ranking above me at
the time I copied their tags and then just paste it beside my video tags and I
was able to get some traction from that so that's pretty much how I came up
with that and then another thing that helps with your videos is um throughout
the video or making a pin comment right here of a prize I didn't do it but um
this accent for engagement telling them throughout the video make sure you like
this video subscribe to my channel and leave a comment down below because all
that you know look at the likes drop the video I'll tell them to like the video
that's why
I got 1000 likes 33,000 years and 273 comments because a lot
of the video I always say that so videos can go more viral because if YouTube
seen this video with all these views all these like and all these comments they
looking at it as if this is a video that we need to recommend to more people
that's looking for this stuff so that's kind of the approach that went with
that and as far as thumbnails I notice whenever I include my face which is in
every single one of my videos it gets like a high click-through rate because I
think there's just like a science or something like that just including your
face on thumbnails along with a short I don't really like to add too many
worries and took my titles just because I like to make it bold and noticeable
things like this as you see this one only got 10k seep a marker that's it and then
they got the Facebook logo with my face so if you notice even looking at other
viral videos they everybody mostly everybody had a face inside the arm inside
their terminus or you can search for make money online I guarantee you'll see a
ton of videos that people will show any face even in this ad right here that is
face strong face face Franklin Hatchett like the biggest affiliate marketer in
our niche you always show his face on his thumb nails project like mastery the
same thing millionaire I mean making a millionaire khylin Kevin David things
like that so all that stuff definitely helps in the end another thing I like to
do with my thumbnails is kind of the colors of my buildings stand out from the
I start drinking how
it wouldn't serve me too much justice if everybody the first five results got
black and white being to it you know like this one right here just looking at
awfully just to make money online what I was stopping and watching myself would
be this one and this one I'll quite skip over this just because it's not her
face and the color is just like there's nothing wrong with using Grand Blanc
but it's just like the colors that pop more is the ones that get the most
clicks I notice Franklin Hatchett this is a good thumbnail I just scrolling through
whichever ones are start for me most likely got colors inside of it and I don't
do that with all of my with my older videos my older videos is using like
regular white and black black and white things like that and it works soon as
well so what I started doing recently though is just using a consistent thing
because I noticed all the big channels and my niche and other niches they all
have like a theme going on so like a certain color you notice my video and you
see like a red and white you see me you see it's just a certain way so let me
show you this is my channel my channel logo is red my back my channel art or a
cover photo of everything call it is red my thumbnails is where a so if
I continuously put
out content with like this where it thumbnail you can search for it almost any
term in my niche and you can know that's my video right away without you having
to look too hard so there goes another channel Joshua odor a very big and
affiliate marketing niche you see you don't really use a consistent color but
you know his channel like whenever I'm starts him for something I know his
videos right off to bed just cuz he got a consistent like even that takes this
consistent he got backgrounds to the text he got bright colors and things like
that there goes another channel brian dean he's got a consistent green color on
his thumbnail is ain't got his spacing all his pictures I mean all his
thumbnails so you know that's his video when you scroll them by step and that
helps in the long run when you're building your channel it took love Neil Patel
another example he got the orange orange reddish theme and a little bit of
black sometimes but that's him we got sunny another one our thumbnails look
nice and clean got the yellow go going on I like it Missy and I got one more
alright one more example but if you go to others we're going to say I just find
another big challenge by Franklin hatch for the laughs example I think his
theme is like a horn as you can see his name orange for the most part orange
low red here and there but his that's his colors that's what's one adapt to
your channel now I know is starting out because on my channel I was all over
the place go green red I was just trying to find out what fits me and right now
I'm going with the red thing but
I just it just fits
me perfectly now you might be accident how am I going to get fused to my
channel or to my videos if I'm a completely random Channel and it's two ways as
a beginner before you before you get all the subscribers and stuff like that
it's two ways two main ways you can get traffic to your video store now you
could do it by commenting on other videos popular channels the size of niche so
that way you can get so say for example you see marquees think that's how you
pronounce and say you see him on five different challenges you might even go
check his channel I'll just see what he's talking about because you can keep
seeing them all over the place so commenting on other channels videos leave
them at thoughtful comment you know one just put some random vs want to put
something that'll make somebody think one day
I'm going to lose God
knows our stuff I'm going to go check him up that's one way another way you can
share it in facebook groups aside your news so if I wanted to promote this
video steal or free traffic I will go join Facebook groups and they affiliate
marketing niche and share this video like hey just make this video let me know
it so I think I'm doing a giveaway of my course etc etc so I gave you is like
that another thing you can do you can run YouTube ads you show you for example
my King he's doing you can run into beds you know there's very very cheap steel
getting views for you know one to five cents and as you can see you got 12,000
subscribers and this video has 92 thousand views and another thing about
running YouTube ads to get views those views actually go towards your youtube ranking
so all this stuff
helps out big-time but what I don't notice that matters the most on YouTube as
far as drinking is your thumbnail click-through rate and your audience watch
time where retention however you want to call it don't know click-through rate
is say for example a thousand people just search for making money online and
let's say out of those thousand people let's say 500 of those people clicked on
your video first I mean you got a fifty percent click the Wrangell thumbnail on
YouTube therefore it's going to push your video to more and more audiences
we're later to make money online because they see okay this thing's exactly
what this audience was looking for so let's push this video and then the second
factor is um the retention so like I said for this video say out of 15 minutes
somebody is watching half of it which is like okay 15 minutes and the same
seven and a half minutes that means he has a 50% retention rate on his video
and a fifty percent click-through rate on the thumbnail that's going to be a
video that YouTube will push to it in the time
you'll get a ton of subscribers a ton of views and a ton of
sales or commissions or whatever you're doing just about doing that and my tags
how would I get a higher attention on my video maybe you get higher retention
on your videos by making a high-quality content not nothing nothing boring not
fun win over words you know using jump cuts using overlays transitions sounds
some b-roll and things like that so there's a lot of tiny factors that add in
to creating a higher retention video an average high retention is probably want
to say 30 percent across the board for most YouTube channels now if you can get
it to 50 or 60 percent consistently almost every video that you create will
rank that's why majority of my videos is ranked in the top three spots at the
most top five spots for whatever keyword
I'm trying to ring for it's because I make my videos I'm
trying to make my videos as high quality as possible try to make my thumbnails
look good and things like that but don't get hung up if you start now with
YouTube and trying to ring for stuff and it's not working for you because
there's other ways to get views on YouTube so like I said it's the main way
everybody try to do they try to rank for search terms make money online make
money online fast and free and easy things like that that's one way to get
views by search by getting search views other way is from the YouTube homepage
so you ever go soon as you can get onto YouTube you see a bunch of related
videos from what you was watching earlier so say for instance - right now I'm
incognito so I don't have a history but if I was on like the regular YouTube
I'm signing in to my account it'll be a bunch of make money
online videos I never seen before so that's the second way that you can get
views another way is on the videos getting into the related section right here
so after I get done watching your video if they don't probably go call to
action or buy of course whatever a lot of people were they going to go back to
the search bar find something else to watch but it come down to the up Knicks
or a related tab and I find another video that what so you're not going to look
man if you don't get them start the search button could easily get into it
related or get the home page views to grow your channel it's all about just
being consistent and things like that I can't give all my secrets inside this
video because it's going to take way too long but
I do have a YouTube
passive income course that you can check out by clicking the first link in the
description down below it goes over everything I know about YouTube detail this
is exactly how I made just over I want to say fifty or sixty thousand dollars
this year just from using YouTube man so definitely go check that out if you're
interested in that leave like on this video if you enjoyed it leave a comment
but I do reply to everybody and subscribe to my channel right now and turn on
post notifications for more videos like this and I will see y'all on the next
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