YouTube Optimization 2019 - Get More Video Views & Subscribers

YouTube Optimization 2019 - Get More Video Views & Subscribers
You're going to learn a new trick to optimize your YouTube videos so you can get more clicks more views and more subscribers ultimately helping your YouTube channel grow faster now inside of the YouTube studio we get a new data point we get a new source of data and you're gonna learn how to leverage this data to optimize your videos and in a minute we're gonna jump on the screen you're gonna follow me along on my computer here and see exactly where to click to execute this plan but before we get there
I want to communicate the theory behind why this works so the theory is actually an old-school SEO theory and it's based on your click-through rate when you get a higher click-through rate then the other videos shown around you generally speaking you're going to get more displays on YouTube there's three places that you get displayed as an option in conjunction with a bunch of other videos it's on the home screen when somebody opens their app or goes to that's called the Browse feature it's on the suggested videos which are showing up probably on the side if you're on a laptop or they're down below the video
if you're on mobile and number three is when you show up in a search engine result page someone searches for a keyword phrase it's relevant to your video and you show up as one of the options so the theory again is if your click-through rate is higher than all of the other videos displayed around you you're gonna get more views because that is a signal showing YouTube's algorithm that viewers choose you so next step on this path we're gonna jump in and look at the three things you can manipulate on your videos that have all the impact on your click-through rate and then we'll go find that data source because that's really the key that makes this all work so right here
 I've got a search result page which shows the most information and you can see I searched vegan dog food which is a lot of people's favorite goofy example I came up with and what we're looking at here is the different options available now each option has essentially three key pieces of content that are associated with the video number one is these actual thumbnail image is what we see number two is the headline the big bold headline up top and numb three is the description so the big takeaway so far is that the thumbnail the title and the first two lines of your description are the actual pieces of the video that you need to manipulate to increase your click-through rate but
I want to show you how to identify the videos that have opportunity for improvement really quick while we're looking at this you can see this first YouTube Video  Rankings on top has a very clear and bold text it's got good coloration it's got a long title they used all of their title they have their actual keyword phrase vegan dog food is right there in top and then they've got a good full description that doesn't throw a link instantly in the description so there's just a couple of pointers for you but now let's jump into the dashboard let's get in the creator studio and this is the old creator studio and there's two ways you can get to the new one number one is click on Studio beta but
if you go under analytics under the drop down for analytics you're going to see that there's this new option here give it one quick second to load so we've got this new option here that says impressions and CTR try studio beta so you want to click on that one and what that means is impressions and click-through rate now when this loads it gives you your channel average so this is the average number of impressions and the average click-through rate from all of your videos being displayed and it opens as default by I think it is I believe it's 28 days right so this is a 28 day graph and it says I've got two million impressions and my average click-through rate is 3.8 percent so when my videos are displayed 3.8 percent of the time people choose me which
 I'm gonna be honest that's actually a terrible click-through rate and that's what I seek to improve with this methodology here so how do we go to the next level now that I know my baseline you need to go get your baseline and you need write this down because this is you competing with you not you competing with me if your average is 10 percent great we're gonna go find the videos that have a 6 percent or below 10 percent click-through rate so you can go in those videos see where we're going with this so the next step is to go find the videos so here on the left side I'm gonna click videos and then it's gonna load all of my videos for me now this method works best when you have older with your older videos that have more data right because again that window is looking at the last 28 days so it makes sense for me to go back to videos that are 28 days or older so it's a great way for you to go backwards into your kind of past videos that maybe aren't getting displayed or aren't getting as many clicks as they possibly could and working with them now I really wish
YouTube put that click-through rate data right here in this so we can sort by click-through rate but unfortunately we need to go through manually so I'm gonna click on one of these videos I'm just choosing one at random here I went back about 30 videos in so this has got us back a couple of months and when I bring when I pull it up here's where you go to actually modify the image if that's the way you want to go to YouTube Optimization  it here are the first two lines inside of the description that's what displays in the search results and then here's the title so it's really simple you just change the pieces and you click Save but before we just start fiddling with things and changing things you gotta click this analytics tab on the left now with the video displaying here above my left column navigation I know that I'm looking at analytics for this video if it just shows your channel you're looking at the analytics for your whole channel so I'm gonna go ahead and close this and what it shows me right here on top is just the overview but we want to click reach viewers so from reach viewers
you can see that my impressions and click-through rate on this video are actually exactly 3.8 percent so this is completely average which means it's not below average but it's not above average so I would work to go in and optimize this how can I capture more attention from the image the title etc I might make this an updated for 2019 video and update the description for 2019 because as of this recording it's mid December 2018 so the 2019 updates is getting an increase in click-through rates but let's go back and look at another video real quick to show you just one more time through the process because this is really it it's a manual process of going through your older videos and really finding the ones that have lower than average click-through rates then working to create better titles better descriptions and better thumbnail images and real quick
I want to show you from this kind of search engine result page the thumbnail image is definitely that which captures the most attention it's got colors it's got contrast it really is probably the number one opportunity is by playing with new and different kind of thumbnail images they're gonna capture more attention I've been testing bolder text I've been testing fewer words and I've been testing a lot simpler of thumbnail images from the ones that had kind of the red bubbles and the different letters in them to just a plain white text and that's what I'm testing every niche is different and you're gonna need to do testing in the long run for
yourself so I'm gonna go to the next video which is 5 sources for free stock photos and I want to see what my actual click-through rate is on this video so I go over here on the left side I click analytics again and when that loads I click reach viewers up top and I can see bingo this is exactly what I'm looking for a 1.8 percent click-through rate that is a very very low click-through rate and if you think about it stock images are there beautiful imagery right like a stock image is a beautiful free image that you can use for your website my thumbnail as you can see right here doesn't really reflect that so what I would do is I would go create a new thumbnail here I would also go analyze you just click on details right above analytics and this is where
you're able to analyze what is the title what is the description so this line here will show up in the search results this will show up in the search results and also my image will show up in the search results and then from there really the game is all about just kind of testing and tweaking and measuring the difference so what you will do is keep a journal a diary maybe even a spreadsheet go with whatever fits your personality best when you make a change to a thumbnail image to the title etc and you work with a video put a note on the date that you started the change let it run for a week or two and then go back into that analytics and see what has that click-through rate done remember the big number that shows up from that 28-day graph will not reflect your changes until you let it sit for 28 consecutive days but since
you can see the graph you can look at the the most recent two weeks within that graph and you'll be able to see is that graph trending downwards or is that graph trending upwards and that is a huge and extremely valuable data point that YouTube SEO is now giving us through the studio monitoring your click-through rates what your channel average is finding out what the click-through rate is on all of your videos and always working to improve them there is always a further you can always improve them so find the ones that are farthest below your average first work to improve them with better thumbnails better titles better descriptions you'll be amazed at what this does for your channel long term you're gonna see I have a new Video SEO that's going to show my results over the last 28 days that's coming out in about a week I do monthly updates and my view numbers all of my numbers on my channel since implementing this are up my views are up at least 15% some videos I'm up over 30% views which is massively powerful so I'm excited to share that with you but I wanted to show you the what I'm doing now before I just show you that update in a few days with the data that's coming through so
 if you want to see that be sure to subscribe get the notification if you have questions about this process that's what the comments are for below leave me a comment let me know I'm happy to hear what you got to say or any questions give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and that's it so go forth optimize your older YouTube videos you'll be amazed at what you can do to your view count to your subscriber count by increasing that click-through rate this has worked in the SEO world for a decade now we finally get that data source and we could apply this to YouTube so happy youtubing go forth get some new viewers get some new subscribers I wish you all the success in the world and I look forward to connecting with you on the next video.


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