YouTube SEO is a best way of YouTube Marketing yes its true.

holy moly please don't do this this is perhaps the worst thing you can do when you're first getting started on YouTube you're not gonna like it but I'm gonna tell you what it is anyways because I want to try and help you the worst thing you can do when you're trying to get started on YouTube and trying to build your channel is acting like you're a famous youtuber and doing all the things that famous youtubers do here's the deal.
YouTube SEO is a best way of YouTube Marketing yes its true.
 Hey Casey nice tats appear McKinnon's of the world the big names on YouTube you can do whatever that heck they want because they have massive audiences but when you're first getting started you gotta stick to what works for you and yes you can take inspiration and little pieces from these videos but the thing is when you have an audience you have a lot more wiggle room to kind of test and play around and you will get there I promise you you have to stick to what works for you and what works for your channel and your niche and what's gonna help you really build that audience so that's what this video is all about so I have a client.

 He's a lawyer he's probably watching this right now and we were on a call and he was talking about how he wanted to do his thumbnails like Peter McKinnon I was like that's awesome Peter makin it has sick thumbnails but Peter didn't is not a lawyer so yes there are elements that you can pull from people you admire but if you're teaching a very specific thing or your entrepreneur in a very specific space you don't want to copy someone who's got those millions and millions of subscribers necessarily you want to find again the little tweaks and things that you can do for your own channel that are really going to attract the right audience for you and not necessarily.
This broad audience who isn't gonna be interested in what you're doing as a business profession or as an entrepreneur so again yes there are great things to pull from people you admire and are inspired by but again there are some basic rules when you're starting a brand new YouTube channel the things that aregonna help you grow faster and I totally get that they're gonna feel a little bit counterintuitive to you and that's okay but I'm telling you from experience of building my own channel to over two hundred thousand subscribers and helping my clients build their channels to hundreds of thousands of subscribers these are the things that will work over and over and over again.
okay so let's dive into step number one which is start with what you know so when you're first starting to your YouTube channel and I'm gonna use Peter bananas in camp as an example and you go all the way back on his channel he has pretty broad content to get started to kind of random content to get started and then he Co starts doing tutorials when do you think you've really started to grow when he started doing tutorials have talked about things that he knew inside and out like the back of his hand he's an expert he's a pro at this stuff and when he started talking about the stuff that he knew really well and started teaching and educating that's when things started to really take a turn for him now he has this audience of millions and he can talk about with everywhere the Holly wants chocolate he has a he has a cult following but he had to start with what he knew makes sense let me know what by rating box in the comments below and telling me that this is making sense for you step number two is following what works don't reinvent the wheel the hardest way to grow on YouTube is thinking that your ideas are awesome joyfully and again
 I speak from experience on this some of my first videos make no sense and the titles make no sense because I was like I think this is a great idea this makes sense to me but no one else on the planet was searching for these things or even wanted some to watch something with the title that I had or the thumbnail that I had I have a video and it's got 21 video ideas for bosses like you I'm gonna link to it in the description below it'll be in the cards as well you can go check it out and they're all proven ideas that will work on YouTube so you don't have to reinvent the wheel it's things like doing how-to videos or reviews or hauls or faves there's all these like proven formulas that work for every kind of YouTube channel and all of those ideas are in that video so make sure you go check that out and again don't try and reinvent the wheel or come up with this brand new idea cuz it's gonna be really hard to figure out if
it's working or not when you don't have an audience to test it with and that's the awesome part about starting on YouTube now the OGS have already done
the legwork for you now you just got to follow those steps of the kinds of videos that have worked for them and have worked across all different types of channels and start at integrating those into your own content strategy number three is finding your editing style so I really had zero sound when I first started my channel at all I kind of just was using iMovie to be totally honest which is completely fine I'm a Chamberlain I'm sure you guys all know her she used I'm beginning to and she grew supers were fast because she had a really interesting editing style kind random kind of crazy it definitely keeps your attention throughout the video so she found her groove very early on and it helped build
this call following but no matter who you are or what kind of content you're doing you have to find some sort of a groove with style and that means figuring out what kind of font you want to use consistently what kind of colors do you want to use consistently in your video what kind of sound effects you want to use consistently in your video and the really great thing about doing this is that as you start to build your channel you know and you kind of have these guidelines to follow of what is okay and what's not okay for your personal style on your channel and people become a customer a customer people become accustomed to seeing those things on your channel and became it really creates this sort of ritual with your audience step number four is really focusing on keywords so I talked about
this all the time but you have to remember that if you're a beginner on YouTube and trust me I work with people starting channels from scratch every single day so many people who are in my program YouTube for bosses don't even have a channel and then they'll start and they grow to thousands in no time at all following these steps and one of the things is really focusing on keywords in the beginning because YouTube is a search engine and it's owned by the largest search engine in the world so people are on YouTube looking up things every single day they're looking for solutions to their problems or answers to their questions and you just have to show up to solve them so you really just have to ask your audience what do they need help with and those are the kinds of videos you want to focus on and the kinds of keywords you want to focus on now if you want more in-depth insight into how to do all this a video on how to get more views you can click on that
it's in the description and also in the cards from this video make sure you check that out number five if you're just getting started your beginner on YouTube is capitalized so this is so important and I talk about this in my other video of how I hit two hundred thousand subscribers I shared my six super secrets this is one of them what I think Apple is I mean focus on the videos on your channel that really take off for you so they get a high number of views and they get high velocity and rankings quicker than other videos on your channel so say one video gets a hundred views in the first 24 hours another video it's 500 views in the first 24 hours what's the difference
there's something about that video that has 500 views that people really enjoyed so what you want to do is when a video gets that kind of momentum it shows that YouTube is giving you authority for that topic that keyword that theme so what you can do is then create more videos that are in the similar themed topic or category so you can capitalize on that Authority and momentum and grow even faster so that's a big key as a beginner is paying attention to your analytics to know what's working for you and doing more of those kinds of videos and finally as a beginner on YouTube
 if you're just getting started how to make it a big key to this is community interaction everywhere I'm talking on Instagram on Facebook on YouTube every single platform you want to be interacting with your community it's something that I did when I first was getting started and basically what I would do is anyone who'd comment on my videos on YouTube I would then go follow them elsewhere so it sounds kind of creepy no I think about it but I would make sure that I was building real relationships with these people because it was a handful of people in the beginning and I wanted them to know how important they were to me and I would go to other channels that had similar audiences to me and I build a relationships in the comments section which I know a lot of you guys are doing on my channel as well which i think is awesome you should be building communities here within the platform on
YouTube that's how you start building an audience is through relationships so it might seem like a lot of work in the beginning to comment back to everybody or to go follow people on social media or to interact on other people's channels but those little tiny steps make a massive difference in getting yourself known when you're first getting started so my recommendation is spending about 25 minutes a day in the beginning just on community so how to make the edits a beginner on YouTube those are truly my best tips for you and they're things that I've seemed work time and time again for my clients and for my students starting from scratch and growing their channels to hundreds of thousands of subscribers and if you want to see more of those case studies or testimonials we have a link below and you can check them out on that page if you enjoyed this video let me know and let me know what your biggest takeaway was and share your channel please share your channel below this
video it's not spammy I'm asking you to do it share your channel below this video so we can all support one another and also share what niche you're in so that we can all support one another within those niches and our box Club winner for this week is black girl entrepreneur who I see on every video is commenting and creating relationships and creating conversations with everyone in this community and it makes me so happy so thank you for doing that I see you and I recognize you and I celebrate you so thank you for being here and if
you want to be part of the boss club all you got to do is comment with your biggest takeaway from this video with the hashtag boss club be sure to subscribe if you haven't yet for new videos every single Tuesday and I'll see
YouTube SEO Expert


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